Two-Piece (R)Evolution®
The two-piece Champions are the (R)Evolution® in Implantology and Prosthodontics since 2011.
The excellent price-performance ratio of the (R)Evolution® Implant plus all of the unique innovative features for in surgery and prosthodontic handling allows you to fulfill current Patient needs and case demands.
This two-piece implant system has a newly developed anti-rotation “Hexadapter” contact design that makes it possible to have an internal micro-gap connection smaller than 0.6 µm.
Surgery procedure:
First, you take the two-piece Champions (R)Evolution® out of the box and directly start inserting without the need to touch the sterile implant, this process is the same for the one-piece Champions®, a contamination of the surface is avoided.
The torque pressure goes to the ingenius patented Gingiva-Shuttle NOT direct to the implant.
The Gingiva-Shuttle is included and comes screwed onto the (R)Evolution® implant at a torque of 10 Ncm this allows for total protection during implantation against internal connection deformation, it also prevents bacteria penetration.
You just insert the implant with the Gingiva-Shuttle and that’s it! You will not get the internal connection “Hexadapter” contaminated with blood or fluids. There is no cover screw or healing cap needed. Furthermore, temporary restorations are not absolutely necessary, which makes it easier for the Surgeon.
One abutment connection platform for all implant diameters! The internal “Hexadapter” connection is always the same no matter whether you insert a 3.5 mm, 4.0mm, 4.5mm or 5.5mm diameter implant.
The principle KISS (Keep It Safe & Simple) goes for the two-piece Champions (R)Evolution®, and you don’t need extra instruments like drills and abutments.
The standard abutment platforms can be customized and processed by certified master dental laboratories.
Quick, efficient, successful, reliable and affordable MIMI® treatments with easy prosthodontic restorations make the Champions® System a must have technology in the modern dental practice.
Product video
Champions (R)Evolution® & MIMI®-Flapless II, regio 45 & 46